Landscape Contractor Services
in NW Bergen County

From creating a landscape from scratch to adding a few features to an existing landscape, our team is prepared to handle any project with precision and efficiency. At Ken Steenstra Landscaping, we are aware that every landscape or hardscape project is different and needs a tailored strategy. Our team of professionals have the skills and expertise to design a stunning outdoor area that satisfies all your needs.
We recognize the challenge of selecting suitable materials for your environment, and we provide our clients with material selection assistance, which helps them make better-informed decisions. Our team considers your demands for landscape design and functionality when they walk you through the selection process and will use their experience to guide your choices.
We enjoy providing top-notch landscape design, installation and maintenance services that go above and above for our customers. We are always eager to take on new projects and construct outdoor spaces that our clients can enjoy for years, whether home or commercial properties. Every feature we create is long-lasting and reliable. Our company offers premium solutions at the most competitive prices. We keep your budget in view while advising on any features and materials. That sets us apart from other industry players!
Our creative staff looks forward to working with you to create a landscape you will love and enjoy utilizing for many years. We are delighted that you picked Ken Steenstra Landscaping as your landscaping partner.
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